Are you a Sex Addict?.

“Before coming to Sex Addicts Anonymous, many of us never knew that our problem had a name. All we knew was that we couldn't control our sexual behavior. For us, sex was a consuming way of life. Although the details of our stories were different, our problem was the same. We were addicted to sexual behaviors that we returned to over and over, despite the consequences.”
(Sex Addicts Anonymous, 2nd ed., p. 3)

What is a Sex Addict?

Although sex addicts may act out sexually in many different ways, there are common elements that seem to characterize our addiction:

Powerlessness over addictive sexual behavior

Failed promises and attempts to stop acting out

Resulting unmanageability of his/her life

Preoccupation with sex leading to ritual

Feelings of shame, pain, and self-loathing

Progressive worsening of negative consequences

Is SAA for you?

In Sex Addicts Anonymous we are a fellowship of men and women who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other for the purpose of finding freedom from addictive sexual behavior and helping others recover from sex addiction. Local meetings offer an accepting, non-threatening environment where we can share our common struggles and learn how to apply the principles of the Twelve Steps to our everyday lives.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop addictive sexual behavior. There are no fees or dues.

We practice strict anonymity and confidentiality, so that our meetings are a safe place for all of us. Whom we meet or what is said in a meeting is considered as confidential.

If you are unsure whether you may be a sex addict, we suggest that you take the self-assessment »